Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I remember....

I remember my favorite stuffed animal, a cat named Custard, she was the best stuffed animal....until my dog devoured it...
I remember my first dance my first recital I was dancing and eating out of my bag of peanuts and my leotard was very tight and it would bunch up in all the wrong places...
I remember my first was from a kid named Austin who was trying to save me from a kid who thought that he was a jedi and stalked me...sometimes when I would piss off this jedi kid he would say "don't make me take out my light sabor"...
I remember when my grandpa came down to visit us after he went through chemo therapy and we were eating fresh picked nectarines and he showed us his toe nails...they all came off...
I remember swings, sand, and time after a kid jumped off of a swing, I ran infront of it and it hit me in the head and I bled...alot...
I remember the sounds of the ocean, I would run out there in the water and when the tide came in I would run for my life from it...but since I was probably about 5 I didn't run fast caught up with me...
I remember playing in the backyard with my sister and we pretended we were dinosaurs...
I remember when I would get my sister very mad she would yell at me saying "I HOPE YOU FALL INTO A BOTTOMLESS PIT!"
I remember my first time I slapped a guy for being a jerk...he deserved it...
I remember a time when a boy told me he loved me...he was talking with me and said, "I love you" and I replied with "uhh...I have to go to class...bye!!!" Obviously...he didnt talk to me after that...
I remember when I prank called someone and forgot to block my number...bad idea...
I remember when my sister and I would reinact scences from plays, musicals and movies...those were the only times she would really say I love you with out adding "When you aren't annoying me..."
I remember smoking it up.
I remember giving up.
I remember making it back.


  1. hahah hmmm where to begin??
    This had great humor..
    that part about the boy.. sorry norma!

    And thanks for all the comments!!
    Yes it was real :)

  2. haha well thank you.
    same to you!!

    Keep laughing in his face!!
    You can do better!!

    i just love how we are comunicating right now!! :)

    Very fun!

  3. Yes yes!
    Very intertaining!!

    Well hmmm send him a letter or something haha!!

    o well go man hunting girl, or better yet make em hunt fer you! :0 :)

  4. Very, very good. Great job going in depth on each memory. My only suggestion would be mixing it up on the length. Like have one or two I Remembers in the middle where you only give us a hint at the memory, not the whole thing. That's great to do with sad memories or serious memories. It lets the reader imagine what you think about it...sometimes that's more powerful.

    But don't get me wrong. This is very good. I love how you mixed up the font and colors. It really adds to the piece. Good work. And keep reading and commenting on other writers' blogs. You are my biggest competition in number of comments left.

  5. haha idk..
    lots of people think ima pretty big jerk! ):

    oh well haha.

    I am more of a peperd jerky kinda guy! :P

    but yea im doing alright.
    what about yurself?

  6. Wow. I am speechless about this piece. I could feel the emotion coming out of the screen! Bravo! I can relate with the sister stuff.

    Andy Roddick
