Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Love Poem Attempt. This probably sucks... alot. Just a warning.

did I seriously fall for you?
did I seriously fall for your front?
I know that I'm young and stupid,
I am still learning.
does that give you an excuse?
does that give you an excuse to use me?
is this a little joke you play on every girl?
is it fair that you mention the other girls when you were with me?
was it necessary to mention her?
was it necessary to compare me to the rest of them?
really, was it right of you to treat me like shit the whole time?
well, at least part of the time.
for the first few minutes it was great.
you actually actually pretended to care.
you got me comfortable.
you got me to feel safe.
you got me to trust in you.
I still remember every line..lie.. that poured from your lips.
I honestly didn't know you were going to be this way.
I thought you would be better.
remember when you told me you were different?
I'm now putting that together.
you are different...from a gentlemen.
from someone who cares.
someone who gives a damn.
you're different...than who you told me you would be.
thanks to you i can actually walk on my own 2 feet.
I know what i want.
I know what TO look for.
someone who exactly the opposite from you.
and guess what.
I found that.
your exact opposite.
he actually cares.
he doesn't use me like a pair of favorite shoes.
he doesn't treat me like i am nothing, emotionless.
he makes me feel worth something.
he makes me feel beautiful.
something you have NEVER made me feel.
so thank you for using me, thank you for making me cry, thank you for lying to me, and thank you more importantly for letting me feel low.
thank you.


  1. damn.. this is sad.
    keep ya head up!
    best of luck to you in the future!

  2. I dont agree with your title lol, this was amazing, i felt heart, and emotion, and Im glad you found someone new that makes you happy, and feel good:)

  3. i love how at the end you kept on saying thank you. it was like you were saying it to him at the end of your relationship. i feel like saying that too. very good.

  4. I agree with bc mcgee, this poem is amazing! I loved the comparisons, such as, "treating me like a favorite pair of sneakers.", I really like this poem, and I feel for you, I haven't had the best experience falling in love... And I'm glad to hear that you finally got a guy who treats you like a princess. Us guys need to realize that eventually it's better to be a gentleman than to act like an ass.

  5. I really liked this :) it was well written but i didnt get the part about the favorite shoes cuz that would mean treated pretty good cuz if they were his favorite right?

  6. I think this is a good poem. I especially like the repetition of certain things. It ads emphasis and meaning.
